FROM debian:jessie MAINTAINER Matt McCormick "" RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install \ automake \ autogen \ bash \ build-essential \ bzip2 \ ca-certificates \ curl \ file \ git \ gzip \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libssl-dev \ make \ ncurses-dev \ pkg-config \ libtool \ python \ rsync \ sed \ bison \ flex \ tar \ vim \ wget \ runit \ xz-utils && \ apt-get -y clean WORKDIR /usr/share RUN git clone && \ cd liquidprompt && \ git checkout v_1.11 COPY imagefiles/.bashrc /root/ # Build and install CMake from source. WORKDIR /usr/src RUN git clone git:// CMake && \ cd CMake && \ git checkout v3.4.3 && \ cd .. && mkdir CMake-build && cd CMake-build && \ /usr/src/CMake/bootstrap \ --parallel=$(nproc) \ --prefix=/usr && \ make -j$(nproc) && \ ./bin/cmake -DCMAKE_USE_SYSTEM_CURL:BOOL=ON \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release \ -DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL:BOOL=ON . && \ make install && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf CMake* # Build and install Ninja from source RUN git clone && \ cd ninja && \ git checkout v1.6.0 && \ python ./ --bootstrap && \ ./ninja && \ cp ./ninja /usr/bin/ && \ cd .. && rm -rf ninja WORKDIR /build ENTRYPOINT ["/dockcross/"] COPY imagefiles/ imagefiles/dockcross /dockcross/