FROM thewtex/cross-compiler-base MAINTAINER Matt McCormick "" # Enable 32 bits binaries RUN dpkg --add-architecture i386 && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 zlib1g:i386 # The cross-compiling emulator RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ qemu-user \ qemu-user-static # Raspberry Pi is ARMv6+VFP2, Debian armhf is ARMv7+VFP3 # Since this Dockerfile is targeting linux-arm from Raspberry Pi onward, # we're sticking with it's custom built cross-compiler with hardfp support. # We could use Debian's armel, but we'd have softfp and loose a good deal # of performance. # See: # We are also using the 4.7 version of the toolchain, so that glibc=2.13 ENV CROSS_TRIPLE arm-linux-gnueabihf ENV RASPBERRYPI_TOOLS_COMMIT 9c3d7b6ac692498dd36fec2872e0b55f910baac1 RUN curl -L${RASPBERRYPI_TOOLS_COMMIT}.tar.gz | tar xvz --wildcards --no-anchored "*gcc-linaro-${CROSS_TRIPLE}-raspbian*" && \ rsync -av /usr/src/tools-${RASPBERRYPI_TOOLS_COMMIT}/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-${CROSS_TRIPLE}-raspbian/ /usr/ && \ rm -rf /usr/src/tools-${RASPBERRYPI_TOOLS_COMMIT} COPY Toolchain.cmake /usr/${CROSS_TRIPLE}/ ENV CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE /usr/${CROSS_TRIPLE}/Toolchain.cmake