# Infrastructure _Open source, decentralized and self-hosted infrastructure for many services._ ## About It uses caddy and docker-compose to run my services (And many other things). It's a **work in progress**, and I'm still learning a lot about it. If you have any **questions** or **suggestions**, feel free to open an issue or a pull request. ## Features - [x] caddy 2 reverse proxy - [x] Docker / docker-compose - [x] Caddy - [x] Wordpress (Via FASTCGI/caddy) - [x] Adminer (MariaDB) - [x] Jellyfin (Media server) - [x] Gitea (Git server) - [x] Uptime Kuma (Monitoring) - [x] qbittorrent and transmission (Torrent client/server) - [x] SyncThing (File synchronization) - [x] PsiTransfer (File sharing) - [x] it-tools (Tools for IT) - [x] Privatebin (Pastebin) - [x] Yacht (Web interface for managing docker containers) ## Screenshots ## Installation and configuration ### Requirements - [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/) - [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) - [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) - [Web domain](https://www.ovh.com/world/domains/) (I use OVH) - [Open port 80, 443, 22 on your router]( ***To avoid get rate limit from letsencrypt (10 certificates per 3 hours), you need to disable some certificates in the caddyfiles and enable them 3h later...*** ### Clone Clone this repository to your local machine using: ```sh git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules https://github.com/bensuperpc/infrastructure.git ``` Go to the folder ```sh cd infrastructure ``` ### Configure the domain For all **bensuperpc.org**, you need to replace it with your domain, example: **mydomain.com**, so the same for **bensuperpc.com** ect... ```sh find . \( -type d -name .git -prune \) -o -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/bensuperpc.org/mydomain.com/g' ``` Check if all bensuperpc.* are replaced by your domain in [Caddyfile](caddy/wordpress/Caddyfile) And then, caddy will generate the certificate for you and renew it automatically :D | Domain name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [www.bensuperpc.org](https://www.bensuperpc.org) | Main | Homepage | | [wordpress.bensuperpc.org](https://wordpress.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Wordpress website | | [adminer.bensuperpc.org](https://adminer.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Adminer for MariaDB for wordpress only | | [uptimekuma.bensuperpc.org](https://uptimekuma.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Uptime Kuma for monitoring | | [qbittorrent.bensuperpc.org](https://qbittorrent.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Torrent client/server | | [transmission.bensuperpc.org](https://transmission.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Torrent client/server | | [git.bensuperpc.org](https://git.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Gitea for git | | [link.bensuperpc.org](https://link.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | For link shortener | | [jellyfin.bensuperpc.org](https://jellyfin.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Jellyfin for media server | | [syncthing.bensuperpc.org](https://syncthing.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | SyncThing for file synchronization | | [psitransfer.bensuperpc.org](https://psitransfer.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | PsiTransfer for file sharing | | [it-tools.bensuperpc.org](https://it-tools.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Tools for IT | | [privatebin.bensuperpc.org](https://privatebin.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Pastebin | | [yacht.bensuperpc.org](https://yacht.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Web interface for managing docker containers | | [projectsend.bensuperpc.org](https://projectsend.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | ProjectSend for file sharing | | [picoshare.bensuperpc.org](https://picoshare.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Picoshare for file sharing | | [dufs.bensuperpc.org](https://dufs.bensuperpc.org) | Sub | Dufs for file sharing | | bensuperpc.com | Main | Redirect to bensuperpc.org | | bensuperpc.fr | Main | Redirect to bensuperpc.org | | bensuperpc.net | Main | Redirect to bensuperpc.org | | bensuperpc.ovh | Main | Redirect to bensuperpc.org | ### Configure the infrastructure You need to configure the infrastructure with your own configuration. You can generate a password with 32 characters: ```sh openssl rand -base64 32 ``` For the [wordpress.env](infrastructure/wordpress/env/wordpress.env) file, you need to change the password and user for the database. ```sh WORDPRESS_DB_USER=bensuperpc WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=lEOEf8cndnDjp84O4Uv5D9zJLJDFatLw WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=wordpress_db:3306 ``` For [wordpress_db.env](infrastructure/wordpress/env/wordpress_db.env) file, you need to change the password(s) and user for the database. ```sh MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=7L1Ncbquax0B2TCOmrjaQl9n5mnY88bQ MYSQL_USER=bensuperpc MYSQL_PASSWORD=lEOEf8cndnDjp84O4Uv5D9zJLJDFatLw MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress ``` For [wordpress_backup.env](infrastructure/wordpress/env/wordpress_backup.env) file, you need to change the password(s) for the restic backup. ```sh RESTIC_PASSWORD=7L1Ncbquax0B2TCOmrjaQl9n5mnY88bQ ``` For [adminer.env](infrastructure/wordpress/env/adminer.env) file, you need to change the password(s) and user for the database. ```sh MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=7L1Ncbquax0B2TCOmrjaQl9n5mnY88bQ MYSQL_USER=bensuperpc MYSQL_PASSWORD=lEOEf8cndnDjp84O4Uv5D9zJLJDFatLw ADMINER_DEFAULT_SERVER=wordpress_db ``` For [gitea.env](infrastructure/gitea/env/gitea.env) file, you need to change the password(s) and user for the database. ```sh GITEA__database__DB_TYPE=mysql GITEA__database__HOST=database_gitea:3306 GITEA__database__NAME=gitea GITEA__database__USER=bensuperpc GITEA__database__PASSWD=K7s5yoHknnEd7vsZoxb8I3dK9mjToF1j GITEA__security__SECRET_KEY=ykcZt23an1E4lFHWvrCKdAyt16WAiK9c ``` For [gitea_db.env](infrastructure/gitea/env/gitea_db.env) file, you need to change the password(s) and user for the database. ```sh MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=xpc4zIhHZzWKqVHcjBu4aW6aS7jG8d7X MYSQL_USER=bensuperpc MYSQL_PASSWORD=K7s5yoHknnEd7vsZoxb8I3dK9mjToF1j MYSQL_DATABASE=gitea ``` For [psitransfer.env](infrastructure/psitransfer/env/psitransfer.env) file, you need to change the secret key. ```sh PSITRANSFER_ADMIN_PASS=n9jLVNT9QUotTJTT91JqH4GyBTg9pvEn ``` For [yacht.env](infrastructure/yacht/env/yacht.env) file, you need to change the secret key. ```sh SECRET_KEY=UZvg9nbcGIJlPEB3uI39TAEWyFOz9nm8 ``` For [projectsend_db.env](infrastructure/projectsend/env/projectsend_db.env) file, you need to change the password(s) and user for the database. ```sh MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=8O34297GrBfT3Ld34Lfg9mpotmZwbJtt MYSQL_USER=bensuperpc MYSQL_PASSWORD=wdSUa1JEZhXie5AJ5NcX1w73xmpO12EY MYSQL_DATABASE=projectsend ``` For [picoshare.env](infrastructure/picoshare/env/picoshare.env) file, you need to change the secret key. ```sh PS_SHARED_SECRET=CBuS4DJLqIe93xF1KGYRrnhxUFBqLD2n ``` For [dufs.env](infrastructure/dufs/env/dufs.env) file, you need to change the secret key and if you want the user name. ```sh DUFS_AUTH="admin:heqihlOfBmJDESGFlpbPi7P7Mi6F7RkV@/:rw|@/:ro" ``` For [stirlingpdf.env](infrastructure/stirlingpdf/env/stirlingpdf.env) file, it's **completly optional**, you can change the password(s) and user. ```sh # Enable security, optional DOCKER_ENABLE_SECURITY=true SECURITY_ENABLE_LOGIN=true # Can be disabled after initial login, optional, # default it admin:stirling SECURITY_INITIALLOGIN_USERNAME=admin SECURITY_INITIALLOGIN_PASSWORD=Jw9U039f5xc2mFcacvGvPD9RjwIh4DzO ``` ### Start the infrastructure Start the website with: ```sh make start-at ``` Stop the website with (or CTRL+C with the previous command): ```sh make stop ``` Remove countainers with: ```sh make down ``` ### All services You can find all service on this table: | Service | Description | URL | | --- | --- | --- | | Homepage | Homepage | [www.bensuperpc.org](https://www.bensuperpc.org) | | Wordpress | Wordpress website | [wordpress.bensuperpc.org](https://bensuperpc.org) | | Adminer | Adminer for MariaDB | [adminer.bensuperpc.org](https://adminer.bensuperpc.org) | | Uptime Kuma | Uptime Kuma for monitoring | [uptimekuma.bensuperpc.org](https://uptimekuma.bensuperpc.org) | | qbittorrent | qbittorrent server | [qbittorrent.bensuperpc.org](https://qbittorrent.bensuperpc.org) | | transmission | transmission server | [transmission.bensuperpc.org](https://transmission.bensuperpc.org) | | Gitea | Gitea for git | [git.bensuperpc.org](https://git.bensuperpc.org) | | Jellyfin | Jellyfin for media server | [jellyfin.bensuperpc.org](https://jellyfin.bensuperpc.org) | | SyncThing | SyncThing for file synchronization | [syncthing.bensuperpc.org](https://syncthing.bensuperpc.org) | | PsiTransfer | PsiTransfer for file sharing | [psitransfer.bensuperpc.org](https://psitransfer.bensuperpc.org) | | it-tools | Tools for IT | [it-tools.bensuperpc.org](https://it-tools.bensuperpc.org) | | Privatebin | Pastebin | [privatebin.bensuperpc.org](https://privatebin.bensuperpc.org) | | Yacht | Web interface for managing docker containers | [yacht.bensuperpc.org](https://yacht.bensuperpc.org) | | ProjectSend | ProjectSend for file sharing | [projectsend.bensuperpc.org](https://projectsend.bensuperpc.org) | | Picoshare | Picoshare for file sharing | [picoshare.bensuperpc.org](https://picoshare.bensuperpc.org) | | Dufs | Dufs for file sharing | [dufs.bensuperpc.org](https://dufs.bensuperpc.org) | You can disable some services by removing the service name in PROFILES variable in the [Makefile](Makefile) file. To enable the gitea CI: https://medium.com/@lokanx/how-to-build-docker-containers-using-gitea-runners-600729555e07 ## Sources - [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) - [Gnu Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) - [Github API](https://docs.github.com/en/rest) - [Github Actions](https://docs.github.com/en/actions) - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) - [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) - [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) - [How To Start WordPress with Caddy using Docker Compose](https://minhcung.me/how-to-start-wordpress-with-caddy-using-docker-compose-3d31bb9ef88b) - [Digital Ocean - How To Install WordPress with Docker Compose (nginx)](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-wordpress-with-docker-compose) - [Imagisphe](https://imagisphe.re/) - [Letsencrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) - [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/) - [Adminer](https://www.adminer.org/) - [Uptime Kuma](https://uptime-kuma.com/) - [qbittorrent](https://www.qbittorrent.org/) - [Transmission](https://transmissionbt.com/) - [Gitea](https://gitea.io/) - [Jellyfin](https://jellyfin.org/) - [SyncThing](https://syncthing.net/) - [PsiTransfer](https://psitransfer.com/) - [It-tools](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools) - [Privatebin](https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin) - [ghost](https://ghost.org) - [Homepage Tuto](https://belginux.com/installer-homepage-avec-docker/) - [Yacht](https://yacht.sh/) - [ProjectSend](https://www.projectsend.org/) - [Picoshare](https://github.com/mtlynch/picoshare) - [Dufs](https://github.com/sigoden/dufs) ## License [License](LICENSE)