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synced 2025-03-14 10:10:08 +01:00
361 lines
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361 lines
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#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
template <typename T>
concept ArithmeticType = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value;
template <typename T>
concept IntegerType = std::is_integral<T>::value;
template <typename T>
concept FloatingPointType = std::is_floating_point<T>::value;
namespace AStar {
template <IntegerType T = int32_t>
class Vec2 {
Vec2() = default;
Vec2(T x_, T y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {}
bool operator==(const Vec2& pos) const noexcept { return (x == pos.x && y == pos.y); }
Vec2 operator=(const Vec2& pos) noexcept {
x = pos.x;
y = pos.y;
return *this;
Vec2 operator+(const Vec2& pos) noexcept { return {x + pos.x, y + pos.y}; }
Vec2 operator-(const Vec2& pos) noexcept { return {x - pos.x, y - pos.y}; }
Vec2 operator*(const Vec2& pos) noexcept { return {x * pos.x, y * pos.y}; }
Vec2 operator/(const Vec2& pos) noexcept { return {x / pos.x, y / pos.y}; }
struct hash {
size_t operator()(const Vec2& pos) const noexcept { return std::hash<size_t>()(pos.x ^ (pos.y << 4)); }
T x = 0;
T y = 0;
typedef Vec2<int32_t> Vec2i;
template <IntegerType T = uint32_t>
class Node {
explicit Node() : pos(Vec2i(0, 0)), parentNode(nullptr) {}
explicit Node(const Vec2i& pos, Node* parent = nullptr) : pos(pos), parentNode(parent) {}
explicit Node(const Vec2i& pos, const T pathCost, const T heuristicCost, Node* parent = nullptr)
: pathCost(pathCost), heuristicCost(heuristicCost), pos(pos), parentNode(parent) {}
inline T getTotalCost() const noexcept { return pathCost + heuristicCost; }
struct hash {
size_t operator()(const Node* node) const noexcept { return std::hash<size_t>()(node->pos.x ^ (node->pos.y << 4)); }
T pathCost = 0;
T heuristicCost = 0;
Vec2i pos = {0, 0};
Node* parentNode = nullptr;
namespace Heuristic {
static inline Vec2i deltaVec(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target) noexcept {
return {std::abs(source.x - target.x), std::abs(source.y - target.y)};
static inline uint32_t manhattan(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target, const uint32_t weight) noexcept {
auto delta = deltaVec(source, target);
return weight * (delta.x + delta.y);
static inline uint32_t octagonal(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target, const uint32_t weight) noexcept {
auto delta = deltaVec(source, target);
return weight * (delta.x + delta.y) + (-6) * std::min(delta.x, delta.y);
static inline uint32_t euclidean(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target, const uint32_t weight) noexcept {
auto delta = deltaVec(source, target);
return weight * static_cast<uint32_t>(std::sqrt(std::pow(delta.x, 2) + std::pow(delta.y, 2)));
static inline uint32_t chebyshev(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target, const uint32_t weight) noexcept {
auto delta = deltaVec(source, target);
return weight * std::max(delta.x, delta.y);
static inline uint32_t euclideanNoSQR(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target, const uint32_t weight) noexcept {
auto delta = deltaVec(source, target);
return weight * static_cast<uint32_t>(std::pow(delta.x, 2) + std::pow(delta.y, 2));
static constexpr uint32_t dijkstra([[maybe_unused]] const Vec2i& source,
[[maybe_unused]] const Vec2i& target,
const uint32_t weight = 0) noexcept {
return 0;
}; // namespace Heuristic
template <IntegerType T = uint32_t, bool enableDebug = false>
class AStarVirtual {
explicit AStarVirtual()
: _heuristicFunction(&Heuristic::euclidean),
_debugCurrentNode([](Node<T>*) {}),
_debugOpenNode([](Node<T>*) {}) {
_directions = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {0, -1}, {1, 1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}};
void setHeuristic(const std::function<uint32_t(Vec2i, Vec2i, uint32_t)>& heuristic) {
_heuristicFunction = std::bind(heuristic, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3);
std::function<uint32_t(Vec2i, Vec2i, uint32_t)>& getHeuristic() noexcept { return _heuristicFunction; }
void setHeuristicWeight(const uint32_t weight) noexcept { _heuristicWeight = weight; }
uint32_t getHeuristicWeight() const noexcept { return _heuristicWeight; }
void setDiagonalMovement(const bool enableDiagonalMovement) noexcept {
_directionsCount = (enableDiagonalMovement ? _directions.size() : _directions.size() / 2);
void setMouvemementCost(const size_t cost) noexcept { _mouvemementCost = cost; }
size_t getMouvemementCost() const noexcept { return _mouvemementCost; }
void setCustomDirections(const std::vector<Vec2i>& directions) noexcept {
_directions = directions;
_directionsCount = static_cast<size_t>(directions.size());
std::vector<Vec2i>& getDirections() noexcept { return _directions; }
void setDebugCurrentNode(const std::function<void(Node<T>*)>& debugCurrentNode) noexcept { _debugCurrentNode = debugCurrentNode; }
void setDebugOpenNode(const std::function<void(Node<T>*)>& debugOpenNode) noexcept { _debugOpenNode = debugOpenNode; }
std::function<uint32_t(Vec2i, Vec2i, uint32_t)> _heuristicFunction;
std::vector<Vec2i> _directions;
size_t _directionsCount;
T _heuristicWeight;
size_t _mouvemementCost = 10;
// Only used if enableDebug is true
std::function<void(Node<T>*)> _debugCurrentNode;
std::function<void(Node<T>*)> _debugOpenNode;
template <IntegerType T = uint32_t, bool enableDebug = false>
class AStar final : public AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug> {
explicit AStar() {}
std::vector<Vec2i> findPath(const Vec2i source, const Vec2i& target) {
if (target.x < 0 || target.x >= _worldSize.x || target.y < 0 || target.y >= _worldSize.y) {
return {};
Node<T>* currentNode = nullptr;
auto compareFn = [](const Node<T>* a, const Node<T>* b) { return a->getTotalCost() > b->getTotalCost(); };
std::priority_queue<Node<T>*, std::vector<Node<T>*>, decltype(compareFn)> openNodeVecPQueue =
std::priority_queue<Node<T>*, std::vector<Node<T>*>, decltype(compareFn)>(compareFn);
std::unordered_map<Vec2i, Node<T>*, Vec2i::hash> openNodeMap;
std::unordered_map<Vec2i, Node<T>*, Vec2i::hash> closedNodeMap;
openNodeVecPQueue.push(new Node<T>(source));
openNodeMap.insert({source, openNodeVecPQueue.top()});
while (!openNodeVecPQueue.empty()) {
currentNode = openNodeVecPQueue.top();
if constexpr (enableDebug) {
AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_debugCurrentNode(currentNode);
if (currentNode->pos == target) {
closedNodeMap.insert({currentNode->pos, currentNode});
for (size_t i = 0; i < AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_directionsCount; ++i) {
Vec2i newPos = currentNode->pos + AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_directions[i];
if (_obstacles.contains(newPos)) {
if (closedNodeMap.contains(newPos)) {
if (newPos.x < 0 || newPos.x >= _worldSize.x || newPos.y < 0 || newPos.y >= _worldSize.y) {
T nextCost = currentNode->pathCost + AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_mouvemementCost;
Node<T>* nextNode = openNodeMap.find(newPos) != openNodeMap.end() ? openNodeMap[newPos] : nullptr;
if (nextNode == nullptr) {
nextNode = new Node<T>(newPos, currentNode);
nextNode->pathCost = nextCost;
nextNode->heuristicCost = static_cast<T>(AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_heuristicFunction(
nextNode->pos, target, AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_heuristicWeight));
openNodeMap.insert({nextNode->pos, nextNode});
} else if (nextCost < nextNode->pathCost) {
nextNode->parentNode = currentNode;
nextNode->pathCost = nextCost;
if constexpr (enableDebug) {
AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_debugOpenNode(nextNode);
std::vector<Vec2i> path;
if (currentNode->pos == target) [[likely]] {
path.reserve(currentNode->getTotalCost() / 10);
while (currentNode != nullptr) {
currentNode = currentNode->parentNode;
for (auto& [key, value] : openNodeMap) {
delete value;
for (auto& [key, value] : closedNodeMap) {
delete value;
return path;
void addObstacle(const Vec2i& pos) { _obstacles.insert(pos); }
void removeObstacle(const Vec2i& pos) { _obstacles.erase(pos); }
std::unordered_set<Vec2i, Vec2i::hash>& getObstacles() noexcept { return _obstacles; }
void clear() { _obstacles.clear(); }
void setWorldSize(const Vec2i& worldSize_) noexcept { _worldSize = worldSize_; }
std::unordered_set<Vec2i, Vec2i::hash> _obstacles;
Vec2i _worldSize = {0, 0};
// Fast AStar are faster than normal AStar but use more ram and direct access to the map
template <IntegerType T = uint32_t, bool enableDebug = false, IntegerType U = uint32_t>
class AStarFast final : public AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug> {
explicit AStarFast() : _isObstacleFunction([](U value) { return value == 1; }) {}
// Same as AStar::findPath() but use direct access to the map
std::vector<Vec2i> findPath(const Vec2i& source, const Vec2i& target, const std::vector<U>& map, const Vec2i& worldSize) {
if (target.x < 0 || target.x >= worldSize.x || target.y < 0 || target.y >= worldSize.y) {
return {};
Node<T>* currentNode = nullptr;
auto compareFn = [](const Node<T>* a, const Node<T>* b) { return a->getTotalCost() > b->getTotalCost(); };
std::priority_queue<Node<T>*, std::vector<Node<T>*>, decltype(compareFn)> openNodeVecPQueue =
std::priority_queue<Node<T>*, std::vector<Node<T>*>, decltype(compareFn)>(compareFn);
std::unordered_map<Vec2i, Node<T>*, Vec2i::hash> openNodeMap;
std::unordered_map<Vec2i, Node<T>*, Vec2i::hash> closedNodeMap;
openNodeVecPQueue.push(new Node<T>(source));
openNodeMap.insert({source, openNodeVecPQueue.top()});
while (!openNodeVecPQueue.empty()) {
currentNode = openNodeVecPQueue.top();
if constexpr (enableDebug) {
AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_debugCurrentNode(currentNode);
if (currentNode->pos == target) {
closedNodeMap.insert({currentNode->pos, currentNode});
for (size_t i = 0; i < AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_directionsCount; ++i) {
Vec2i newPos = currentNode->pos + AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_directions[i];
if (_isObstacleFunction(map[newPos.x + newPos.y * worldSize.x])) {
if (closedNodeMap.contains(newPos)) {
if (newPos.x < 0 || newPos.x >= worldSize.x || newPos.y < 0 || newPos.y >= worldSize.y) {
T nextCost = currentNode->pathCost + AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_mouvemementCost;
Node<T>* nextNode = openNodeMap.find(newPos) != openNodeMap.end() ? openNodeMap[newPos] : nullptr;
if (nextNode == nullptr) {
nextNode = new Node<T>(newPos, currentNode);
nextNode->pathCost = nextCost;
nextNode->heuristicCost = static_cast<T>(AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_heuristicFunction(
nextNode->pos, target, AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_heuristicWeight));
openNodeMap.insert({nextNode->pos, nextNode});
} else if (nextCost < nextNode->pathCost) [[likely]] {
nextNode->parentNode = currentNode;
nextNode->pathCost = nextCost;
if constexpr (enableDebug) {
AStarVirtual<T, enableDebug>::_debugOpenNode(nextNode);
std::vector<Vec2i> path;
if (currentNode->pos == target) [[likely]] {
path.reserve(currentNode->getTotalCost() / 10);
while (currentNode != nullptr) {
currentNode = currentNode->parentNode;
for (auto& [key, value] : openNodeMap) {
delete value;
for (auto& [key, value] : closedNodeMap) {
delete value;
return path;
void setObstacle(const std::function<bool(U)>& isObstacleFunction) noexcept { _isObstacleFunction = isObstacleFunction; }
std::function<bool(U)>& getObstacle() noexcept { return _isObstacleFunction; }
std::function<bool(U)> _isObstacleFunction;
} // namespace AStar