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Cross compiling toolchains in Docker images.
.. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/dockcross/dockcross/tree/master.svg?style=svg
:target: https://circleci.com/gh/dockcross/dockcross/tree/master
* Different toolchains for cross compiling.
* Most images also contain an emulator for the target system.
* Commands in the container are run as the calling user, so that any created files have the expected ownership, (i.e. not root).
* Make variables (`CC`, `LD` etc) are set to point to the appropriate tools in the container.
* Recent `CMake <https://cmake.org>`_ and ninja are precompiled. Toolchain files configured for CMake.
* Current directory is mounted as the container's workdir, ``/work``.
* Works with the `Docker Toolbox <https://www.docker.com/products/docker-toolbox>`_ on Mac OSX.
Cross compilers
.. |base-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/base:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/base:latest
|base-images| Base image for other toolchain images. From Debian Jessie with GCC,
make, autotools, CMake, Ninja, Git, and Python.
.. |android-arm-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/android-arm:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/android-arm:latest
|android-arm-images| The Android NDK standalone toolchain for the arm
.. |browser-asmjs-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/browser-asmjs:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/browser-asmjs:latest
|browser-asmjs-images| The Emscripten JavaScript cross compiler.
.. |linux-arm64-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-arm64:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-arm64:latest
|linux-arm64-images| Cross compiler for the 64-bit ARM platform on Linux,
also known as AArch64.
.. |linux-armv5-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-armv5:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-armv5:latest
|linux-armv5-images| Linux armv5 cross compiler toolchain for legacy devices
like the Parrot AR Drone.
.. |linux-armv6-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-armv6:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-armv6:latest
|linux-armv6-images| Linux ARMv6 cross compiler toolchain for the Raspberry
Pi, etc.
.. |linux-armv7-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-armv7:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-armv7:latest
|linux-armv7-images| Generic Linux armv7 cross compiler toolchain.
.. |linux-ppc64le-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-ppc64le:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-ppc64le:latest
|linux-ppc64le-images| Linux PowerPC 64 little endian cross compiler
toolchain for the POWER8, etc.
.. |linux-x64-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-x64:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-x64:latest
|linux-x64-images| Linux x86_64 / amd64 compiler. Since the Docker image is
natively x86_64, this is not actually a cross compiler.
.. |linux-x86-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/linux-x86:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/linux-x86:latest
|linux-x86-images| Linux i686 cross compiler.
.. |windows-x64-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/windows-x64:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/windows-x64:latest
|windows-x64-images| 64-bit Windows cross-compiler based on MXE/MinGW-w64.
.. |windows-x86-images| image:: https://badge.imagelayers.io/dockcross/windows-x86:latest.svg
:target: https://imagelayers.io/?images=dockcross/windows-x86:latest
|windows-x86-images| 32-bit Windows cross-compiler based on MXE/MinGW-w64.
This image does not need to be run manually. Instead, there is a helper script
to execute build commands on source code existing on the local host filesystem. This
script is bundled with the image.
To install the helper script, run one of the images with no arguments, and
redirect the output to a file::
docker run --rm CROSS_COMPILER_IMAGE_NAME > ./dockcross
chmod +x ./dockcross
mv ./dockcross ~/bin/
Where `CROSS_COMPILER_IMAGE_NAME` is the name of the cross-compiler toolchain
Docker instance, e.g. `dockcross/linux-armv7`.
For the impatient, here's how to compile a hello world for armv7::
cd ~/src/dockcross
docker run --rm dockcross/linux-armv7 > ./dockcross-linux-armv7
chmod +x ./dockcross-linux-armv7
./dockcross-linux-armv7 bash -c '$CC test/C/hello.c -o hello_arm'
Note how invoking any toolchain command (make, gcc, etc.) is just a matter of prepending the **dockcross** script on the commandline::
./dockcross-linux-armv7 [command] [args...]
The dockcross script will execute the given command-line inside the container,
along with all arguments passed after the command. Commands that evaluate
environmental variable in the image, like `$CC` above, should be executed in
`bash -c`. The present working directory is mounted within the image, which
can be used to make source code available in the Docker container.
Built-in update commands
A special update command can be executed that will update the
source cross-compiler Docker image or the dockcross script itself.
- ``dockcross [--] command [args...]``: Forces a command to run inside the container (in case of a name clash with a built-in command), use ``--`` before the command.
- ``dockcross update-image``: Fetch the latest version of the docker image.
- ``dockcross update-script``: Update the installed dockcross script with the one bundled in the image.
- ``dockcross update``: Update both the docker image, and the dockcross script.
The following environmental variables and command-line options are used. In
all cases, the command-line option overrides the environment variable.
DOCKCROSS_CONFIG / --config|-c <path-to-config-file>
This file is sourced, if it exists, before executing the rest of the dockcross
Default: ``~/.dockcross``
DOCKCROSS_IMAGE / --image|-i <docker-image-name>
The Docker cross-compiler image to run.
Default: Image with which the script was created.
DOCKCROSS_ARGS / --args|-a <docker-run-args>
Extra arguments to pass to the ``docker run`` command.
1. ``dockcross make``: Build the *Makefile* in the current directory.
2. ``dockcross cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja``: Run CMake with a build directory
``./build`` for a *CMakeLists.txt* file in the current directory and generate
``ninja`` build configuration files.
3. ``dockcross ninja -Cbuild``: Run ninja in the ``./build`` directory.
4. ``dockcross bash -c '$CC test/C/hello.c -o hello'``: Build the *hello.c* file
with the compiler identified with the ``CC`` environmental variable in the
build environment.
5. ``dockcross bash``: Run an interactive shell in the build environment.
Note that commands are executed verbatim. If any shell processing for
environment variable expansion or redirection is required, please use
`bash -c 'command args...'`.
Credits go to `sdt/docker-raspberry-pi-cross-compiler <https://github.com/sdt/docker-raspberry-pi-cross-compiler>`_, who invented the base of the **dockcross** script.